Monday, April 10, 2006


This is about the Berkey Light Water filters. We want to warn anyone who has bought one of the Berkey Light water filters that your system MAY NOT be working the way you were told it would work. This is our story about the Berkey Water filter.

After putting the system on the counter top in our kitchen and making sure it was hooked up according to the directions, we proceeded to use the Berkey Light. After months of using the filter Mary said that she thought the water tasted the same as before we started using the Berkey Light.

Mary called Radio Liberty where we bought the Berkey Light from and talked to Barbara Monteith about the strange tasting water from the Berkey. Barbara called Debbie Morrow who works for Berkey in Texas. Barbara told Debbie about our complaint. Debbie sent a part that she thought if we put it on the Berkey it would solve the problem. The part, a rubber washer, came and Jim put the washer on like he was told to do.The washer made no difference so I called Barbara Monteith back and told her there was no change in the taste of the water. Barbara calls Debbie back and Debbie sends a NEW filter to us. Well Jim put the new filter on and still no change in the taste of the water. Mary calls Barbara back and Barbara gives Mary Debbie's phone number so Mary calls Debbie. Mary tells Debbie about the water still tasting bad so Debbie tells Mary to pour two ounces of red food coloring into the top water holder and IF the red color comes through to the bottom container then the filter is NOT working. Mary did as told and the red food coloring came through to the bottom container. Mary called Debbie back and Debbie sent ANOTHER set of filters out to be tried out. The same red food coloring test was done and the same thing happened.
So we had three sets of filters and NONE of the filters worked in purifying the water for us.

Debbie called Dr. Stan at Radio Liberty and he said he would give us our money back so there would not be any hard feelings. Hard feelings is not the problem. The problem is this: what if ALL the filters are not working and people DO NOT know that the filters are not working? We have a HUGE problem here.

So if you are the proud owner of a Berkey Light filter we suggest that you do the red food color test NOW. If the color comes through to the bottom tank then you need to get your money back and look for another way to purify your bad water.
The warning that our water utility company sends EVERY month tells us that IF we continue to use the city water to drink that we MAY get very sick and even develop cancer over a period of time drinking this water. Many people have died from cancer in this city over the last few years--more than what one would think would die from cancer.

Our point... even it's a LONG point to make is this. Check out your Berkey Water filter. Sorry its been such a long, drawn-out letter to anyone who will read this BUT we are very concerned about people and their health. Mary has been sick a long time and we sure do not want to add more to her problem by drinking water that we thought was safe but is not not safe due to our use of the Berkey Light filter.

Mary Hostak
Frederick, Oklahoma