Monday, April 10, 2006

Are you deceived?

Just a thought tonight as I think about all the people who are being deceived by false preachers.The bible tells us that a little leaven leavens the whole lump.
If the preacher never has read and studied the WHOLE bible then HOW can he preach the FULL gospel? When we were is a church here At Frederick Oklahoma we soon discovered that we were being taught a lie. The pastor had been taught the lie when he went to study at OBU. The pastor was taught the lie, he chose to believe the lie and he taught the lie to anyone who would sit under his preaching. The reason we soon discovered the lie was because we were reading Scripture and getting grounded in the Word of God. We soon came out of the church which caused a lot of people to have a problem with us. The reason the people had a problem was because they refused to study ALL the Scripture. They were comforable taking the preachers word as gospel rather than checking out for themselves what God said in the Scripture. Now I always have had a problem listening to some preacher who acts like he knows the bible yet preaches opposite what the bible teaches. After all I am responsible for what I believe not what some preacher teaches from what he was taught in some bible school. Now my husband and I weigh everything we hear concerning Scripture to what we have read in the bible. That has been the only way we could separate truth from the lie.

Thanks for reading my thoughts. If you are in a church then I suggest you read your bible every day. I like to tell people this, if you will get grounded in the bible FIRST then start going to a church I promise you that you probably will not stay in that church very long. Not when you see what is being taught in most every church. It;s your soul and I hope you care enough where your soul will spend all eternity that you will see if you are being taught full gospel or NOT.
Until my next thoughts that I will want to share with you please be careful.
